Treatment Approach:
The School Clinical & Consulting Services (SCCS) treatment approach for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is eclectic. It is based on a combination of strategies and fundamental principles from many different approaches to treating ASD, including; structured teaching from Division TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and related Communication handicapped Children), incidental learning from Stanley Greenspan (floor time), Kathleen Quill, and many others, ecological intervention from the SCERTS Model (social communication emotional regulation and transactional support), and applied behavior analysis (ABA).
Examples of the Intervention Strategy Guides:
Diagnostic Criteria For ASD
Description of Social Functioning For ASD Students
ASD Social Intervention
Description of Social Communication For ASD Students
Academic Situations That Challenge The Child With ASD
Classroom Situations That Challenge The Child With ASD
Behavior That Indicates The ASD Student Is Having Difficulty
Social Intervention In The Classroom
Reducing Confusion And Increasing Organization
Identifying Sources Of Stress And Developing a Coping Plan
Classroom Conditions That Support Students With ASD
Daily Rating of Adjustment and Program Participation
Restorative Breaks